Learning about Color Basics

Learning about Color Basics

I like this color wheel because it has similar hues to Genesis Heatset Paints.

Note that each range of color goes from the lowest number (darkest) to highest number (lightest).  This is called a color’s “value”.

To begin with, the primary colors are RED, BLUE and YELLOW.  Mixing any 2 primary colors results in a Secondary Color such as GREEN, PURPLE and ORANGE.   Mixing Primary and Secondary colors results in Tertiary Colors such as BLUE-GREEN, REDDISH PURPLE, or YELLOWISH ORANGE and so forth.


Another color blending concept you need to understand is tints and shades.  Mixing any color (hue) with white results in a tint.  Mixing any color (hue) with black results in a shade.  Mixing any color (hue) with gray results in a tone.  Obviously there is an infinite range of hues, tints,  tones and shades!


To be a successful doll artist, you must have a basic understanding of color blending and how mixing colors from different parts of the color spectrum will result in realistic human coloring.


The reason it’s important for a doll artist to understand about the color wheel is that you can correct an off color such as a too-pink or too-yellow vinyl, for example.  Using complementary color blending you can correct a color easily to obtain the flesh tone you desire on your dolls.  Understanding the color wheel will help you correct mistakes in your painting, too.


To neutralize any color back toward brown, you use the complementary color exactly opposite it on the color wheel.  For example, to neutralize red, you would use green.  To neutralize yellow, you would use purple.


You can easily see how knowing how these colors neutralize one another can help you in correcting any off-shade you might have on a doll.